
Daily Attendance Matters

Students are expected to attend school every day. Children who miss school miss out on opportunities to learn, build lasting friendships, and develop the skills and attitudes needed to become good citizens and valued employees. There is a clear connection between student attendance and student performance in school. This is especially true for English Learners in terms of their gains on the English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics portions of the California Standards Tests (CST). Kindergarteners' performance is greatly affected with only 18 days of absences during one school year.

Student absences also affect school budgets. Schools and school districts get a significant amount of their funding based upon the number of students who actually attend school each day. This is called Average Daily Attendance (ADA). Potential losses in ADA revenue affect all students because they can lead to budget cuts affecting a variety of programs, as well as individual schools. To learn more, visit the district"s Calculating ADA page.

Student Attendance Laws

All children between 6 and 18 years of age are required by California to attend school regularly.

Normal Heights Elementary Attendance Information

Absence Hot line: (619) 584-6000 Press 1

Absence Hot line: (619) 584-6000 Press 1

Please remember to call the attendance hotline each day your student is absent from school.

When your child has a medical appointment, please send a note to the office. This will be documented as an excused absence. If a child has a fever, they must not return to school until they have been fever free for a 24-hour period.

Office Hours: 8:30am-4:30 p.m.


Because we value every minute available to students for learning, Normal Heights Elementary School believes it is very important that students arrive to school on time, and attend school every day unless they are sick, have a doctor's appointment, or are attending to a family emergency. If children are absent for any reason, their parents need to call our attendance hotline each day the child is absent. If the child went to a doctor's appointment, it is best to bring a note from the doctor's office for the school files.

Although this happens rarely, students who are absent without a valid excuse three times in one school year are considered truant. If a formal notification is made three times, the student and his or her parents are referred to the District School Attendance Review Board (SARB) which then has the authority to refer the student to the juvenile justice system.

The purpose of this notification is to provide full disclosure about the legal responsibility all parents have to make sure their children attend school on time, every day. Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to provide your children with the finest education.

Office Hours ~ Monday - Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Phone ~ (619) 584-6000 Press 1

School Wide Attendance Incentives:

~Teachers and student's coloring in each letter to spell out "Perfect Attendance", when the entire class is present and accounted for. Being awarded a certificate and other privileges once they achieve the goal of coloring every letter.
~Weekly recognition of the BEST Primary Grade and Upper Grade classroom, that had the BEST percentage of Attendance for the week, via school wide PA system during Morning Announcement and the display of BEST Attendance Trophy.
~Perfect Attendance Certificate distributed at the School Wide Character Counts Assembly, tho those students who came to school daily and on-time.

"Everyday and On-Time Attendance, Equals Academic Success."

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